Find out if you live within our practice boundaries.
Cathedral Medical Centre practice boundary:
We are able to register new patients in the city of Ely and the surrounding area. This includes the following villages:
- Coveney
- Little Downham
- Little Thetford
- Prickwillow
- Pymoor
- Queen Adelaide
- Wardy Hill
- Witchford
Please use the map below to see if you live within the practice boundary.
Staploe Practice practice boundary:
We are able to register new patients in the town of Soham and the surrounding area. This includes the following villages:
- Barcham
- Isleham
- Barway
- Red Lodge
- Chippenham
- Upware
- Fordham
- Wicken
Please use the map below to see if you live within the practice boundary.
Haddenham Surgery practice boundary
Please use the map below to see if you live within the practice boundary.