Learning Disability

We work hard to accommodate the needs of all of our patients with learning disabilities, in order to meet their healthcare needs effectively, safely, and in a caring way. We aim to maximise people’s choice, control and independence as much as possible.  

Our staff have undertaken mandatory training on learning disability and autism. 

We have a wide range of patient information in different formats available to help prepare for appointments. 

We will always do our best to make appointments as easy and comfortable as possible. For example, if it is better to come to the practice at quieter times of day, or to see particular clinicians, we will do our best to accommodate this. It may not always be possible, depending on the urgency of need, but we will always do our best.

If you or someone you care for needs any support in accessing healthcare, please contact the pratice and explain how we can help.

Date published: 8th October, 2023
Date last updated: 8th October, 2023