Safe Surgeries Accreditation

All Mereside Practices are accredited as Doctors of the World ‘Safe Surgeries’.

This means that we have committed to tackle the barriers faced by many people when accessing healthcare. Many people such as refugees, migrants, homeless people, and sex workers, are often wrongly denied registration.

As a ‘safe surgery’ we ensure that lack of ID or proof of address, immigration status or language will not be a barrier to patient registration and ongoing care. We will not refuse new patient registration if you are unable to prove your immigration status.

We have registration forms and a range of leaflets already translated into our most commonly used languages locallyUkrainian, Russian, Turkish, Portuguese, Polish and Lithuanian.

If we do not have leaflets translated into a language that you think we need to, please let us know and we can arrange this.

We can also offer interpretation services if necessary – please see English language and interpreters.

Date published: 2nd October, 2023
Date last updated: 8th October, 2023